Saturday, June 24, 2017

25 june 2017. Food for thought in physics. See also: Non-inertial frame, Rotating spheres, and Bucket argument.

25 june 2017.
Food for thought in physics.

Figure 2: Two spheres tied with a string and rotating at an angular rate ω. Because of the rotation, the string tying the spheres together is under tension.
Figure 3: Exploded view of rotating spheres in an inertial frame of reference showing the centripetal forces on the spheres provided by the tension in the tying string.

Figure 1: Two frames of reference moving with relative velocity \stackrel{\vec v}{}. Frame S' has an arbitrary but fixed rotation with respect to frame S. They are both inertial frames provided a body not subject to forces appears to move in a straight line. If that motion is seen in one frame, it will also appear that way in the other.

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