Sunday, November 26, 2017

Learning English, 26 nov. 2017 sun. Administering medicine to the dead . လူေသ ကို ေဆးတိုက္ ေနသလို ပါလား26 ညသလ. 2017.

Learning English, 26 nov. 2017 sun.

Administering medicine to the dead .
လူေသ ကို ေဆးတိုက္ ေနသလို ပါလား

26 feb. 2016
"Administering medicine to the dead " means that the deluded loved ones think the patient is still
alive & hope to revive.
Loved ones hope to make
" meaningful discussion " & mend the wrongs.
They are hoping the impossible.
Situation is also similar to that of reasoning with "the person who has renounced reason" !
The outcome of both efforts definitely will be the same.Fruitless , in vain !

1 comment:

  1. sayanyein: Learning English, 26 nov. 2017 sun. Administering...
    Trying to make meaningful dialog with Burmese Generals is like - -.
